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Gorilla Trekking in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

Gorilla Trekking in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

Mountain gorillas are unique primates of Africa found in a few isolated ecosystems one of which is the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. This is placed in the southwestern corner of Uganda gazette as a way of protecting the critically endangered species of mountain gorillas.  It was first gazette in 1991 as a national park upgraded into a UNESCO world heritage site by 1994. Gorilla Trekking in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is a thrilling and adventurous experience. The magical encounter with the gorilla species is one of a kind thing to explore while in the Pearl of Africa. Bwindi is one of the most famous places to go gorilla trekking it hosts half population of the mountain gorillas living within the bamboo forest region of the national park.

Gorilla Trekking in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is bisected into four sectors Nkuringo, Buhoma, Ruhija, and Rushaga each of these is placed with gorilla families to track, mountain gorillas live in families of up to 20 members led by a male silverback, the family is usually composed of silver back, juveniles, black backs, females and young ones, the baby gorillas live under the care of their parents until the age of 2 years, these are herbivorous feeding on plants, herbs, dead tree backs, mushrooms and occasionally insects like termites, they feed from one point to another and are constantly on the move, gorillas are characterized by their large fur strong bodies with gentleness and brown eyes.

Finding mountain gorillas in the wilderness is a not-so-easy task, it takes 2-8 hours to track mountain gorillas or even the whole day depending on how far they have moved, the activity begins early at 8:00 am East African time, it is done at groups of eight per gorilla family, the hike through the forest may seem tedious but a wonderful experience at the end of the day, getting closure the primates is such an amazing heart melting view an hour is allowed while with the mountain gorillas, tracking activity is done while following gorilla rules and regulations, for example, maintaining the 7-meter distance rules guests under the age of 15 years are not allowed to track, guests with communicable diseases like flue are not permitted into the forest, human waste is to be buried 2 meters under the ground, no loitering through the forest.

The conservation area is managed by the Uganda wildlife authority, which has managed to see a number increase in gorilla population, gorilla permits are purchased for $700 for foreign non-residents, $600 for residents, and 250, 000 shillings for Ugandan citizens, to enjoy a gorilla trekking safari, it is important to consider bringing warm clothes, rain gears, waterproof covers for phones and cameras, insect repellents, waterproof hiking boots, hand gloves, gaiters and any other items of personal nature, it is advisable to book permits before tracking time depending on the location your accommodation has been booked, there is available accommodation in each of the sectors of the national park ranging from budget to luxury, example facilities include Bwindi lodge, Ichumbi Gorilla Lodge, Lake Mulehe Gorilla Lodge, to mention a few.

Contact us to learn more about Gorilla Trekking in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.

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