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Kibale Forest National Park is located in the western part of Uganda in Kabarole district the western part of Uganda known for the Chimpanzee. The forest is one of the few remaining tracts of the tropical rainforest in Uganda covering the largest forest area in the region, the tree canopies rise to 55m tall, and 13 species of primates are most sought when it comes to Kibale forest, containing the highest population of primates in Uganda these include Chimpanzee, black and white colobus monkeys, red-tailed monkeys, blue monkey, L’hoest monkeys, pottos, bush babies, olive baboons to mention a few. The national park covers an area space of approximately 321 square kilometers, elevated between 1160 meters and 2760 meters above sea level.

Kibale Forest National Park

The forest is comprised of a mixed bio-diverse environment containing marshy swampy areas, tropical rain forest, lianas, and many other growing plants overlooking the fort portal plateau, it is angelically surrounded by the Ndali crater lakes region, besides primates other wildlife call the conservation area home, for example, the forest elephants, giant forest hogs, present although these are so rare to see, there are around 350species of birds in the national park, most of which are forest birds and endemics of the great Albertine rift valley region. The major activity of the national park is Chimpanzee tracking, the primate walk began at the Kanyanchu visitor center in 1994, and the habituated chimpanzee families are subject to tracking, there are 1500poplualtion of Chimpanzees in the national park these are divided into communities of up to 100members led by male Alpha.

There are higher chances of seeing the chimpanzee in this park than any other in the country, they are characterized by their social behavior, intelligence, and brilliant species they can be sighted using tools to collect insects like termites from ant hills, Chimpanzee are herbivores feeding on the forest plants, fruits, leaves their playful nature and loud charter sound makes them easy to hear and find even at distance, tracking is restricted to a group of six people per community and is done in 2 sessions in the morning and afternoon time, this can take between 2-3hours finding the primates and an hour is allowed while with Man’s closest relative as these have been scientifically proven to share up to 98% of the human DNA. Tracking is always sparked off by a morning briefing from the Uganda Wildlife Park rangers on how to conduct yourself while with the primates together with the forest primate rules and regulations.

Bigodi swamp walk will take you to explore more of the gazetted area, it is an amazing place of life expect to meet some birds of the forest, and primates like the black and white colobus monkeys, red-tailed monkeys, and vervet monkeys among others this one is popular in the afternoon time, birding in Kibale forest national park is impressive, through the great network of the trails you will be in position to view most of the Albertine endemics like the great blue Turaco, sunbirds, pelicans among other species.

Kibale Forest National Park is situated approximately 6 hour’s drive from Entebbe or Kampala passing through the beautiful villages of Kagadi, there is available accommodation in the park ranging from the best budget to Luxury example facilities include the Nkuruba nature lodge, Kibale forest camp, Primate lodge to mention a few.

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